Providing specialized services to refining and petrochemical industries, including catalyst handling, tank emptying and overhaul, and providing mechanized industrial cleaning services to industries such as steel, copper, aluminum, cement factories, all kinds of mines, municipalities, etc.
Science-based Zagros Sanat Arka Company
About Zagros Sanat Arka knowledge based company
Zagros Sanat Arka Company was established in 2013 under the management of engineer Rasul Nabati Arian, relying on 15 years of knowledge and capabilities of expert and experienced internal staff. This company is a subset of “Naseem Sepideh Baharan” holding with more than 30 years of experience. More than 2000 people are working in this holding. Since its establishment, the activities of this company have been divided into three main sectors: “production of products”, “trade” and “providing specialized industrial services”.
In the product department, the “Research and Development (R&D)” unit is considered the main powerful arm of this company. This unit, by employing expert forces in the field of design, ability in construction, implementation of plans and also the examination of important foreign products, succeeded in building a variety of collection and transfer of industrial materials, including: Vacuum Truck Vacuum Loader Stationary Vacuum Industrial Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum Robot Industrial Hopper Dense Loading
Production of
Zagros Sanat Arka products
Providing specialized services of Danesh Banyan Co. Zagros Sanat Arka
Providing specialized industrial services
In the service provision sector, with the view of the country’s non-dependence on foreign companies, job creation for internal forces and compliance with environmental principles, this company has taken an effective step in providing specialized services through mechanized equipment. Among the services that can be provided by this company to various industries of refining, steelmaking, copper, mines, municipalities, cement, etc., the following can be mentioned cited:
- Providing specialized services of catalyst handling and emptying all types of tanks and ponds
- Providing specialized industrial cleaning services with mechanized equipment
- Providing repair, upgrading, installation and commissioning services of all kinds of machines and workshop tools